Course Description

The Master Coach Certification Course is a 12-week program that provides advanced, live training and practicum to certified Primal Health Coaches, and prepares and qualifies them to take and pass the credentialing exam to become a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).

Senior Instructor Erin Power

For 25 years, Erin Power balanced her full-time Marketing and Advertising career with a part-time career in the fitness industry as a trainer and fitness instructor. She made the leap to full-time health coaching in 2004, and in that time has helped over 600 individual clients find freedom from food fixation, and achieve an effortless relationship with food. These days she's one of the leaders at the helm of developing curriculum for Primal Health Coach Institute®, and supporting the business development efforts of our graduates. She's also the co-host of Health Coach Radio, the podcast by health coaches, for health coaches. Erin lives outside of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on a hobby farm in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Researcher and Writer Lindsay Taylor

As a writer for Mark's Daily Apple and the leader of the thriving Keto Reset and Primal Endurance communities, Lindsay's primary job is educating people about the whats, whys, and hows of leading a health-focused life. Before coming to work for Primal Nutrition and Primal Health Coach Institute, Lindsay earned her Master's and Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. There she focused on self-concept, social interactions, and goal setting. In particular, she researched how self-evaluations are affected by stigma and how that impacts goal-directed behavior. After graduation, she worked at UC Berkeley as a researcher and instructor before shifting gears and pursuing a career in health. Her psychology background drives her approach to coaching, which emphasizes mindset as a key factor in overall health and wellness.

Course Curriculum

    1. About This Course

    2. Course Structure and Delivery

    3. Certification Types: ACE and MC

    4. Faculty

    1. Important: Legal Matters

    2. Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

    3. Student Support

    4. Join the Facebook Community

    5. Downloadable and Printable Curriculum

    6. Example Group Presentations

    1. About the Live Teaching Modules

    2. Live Teaching Module Schedule

    3. Archived Teaching Modules

    4. Missed Session Equivalency Exercise

    1. Practical Coaching Skills Evaluation Process

    2. Practical Coaching Skills Grading Rubric

    3. How to Submit your Practical Skills Assessment

    1. Stages of Change

    2. Goal-Setting

    3. Implementing Action; Encouraging Compliance

    4. Tracking and Navigating Behavior Change

    5. Chapter Summary and References

    6. Goal-Setting and Implementing Action Exam

    7. Session 1 Curriculum E-book

    8. Session 1 Exercise Book

    9. Session 1 Presentation Handout

    1. The Discovery Call

    2. Closing the Sale

    3. Mindset: The Key to Positive and Productive Discovery Calls

    4. Enrollment

    5. Onboarding Fundamentals: Program Type

    6. Chapter Summary and References

    7. Discovery and Enrollment Exam

    8. Session 2 Curriculum E-book

    9. Session 2 Exercise Book

    10. Session 2 Presentation Handout

About this course

  • 143 lessons

Learn More About the Master Coach Certification Course